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Barbell Financial




When you don't take control of your finances, and they instead take control of you, it can induce stress, anxiety and depression, and have a negative impact on your relationships


Barbell Financial uses a proven strategy to help clients shift their behavior and attitude towards money, set clear financial goals to eliminate debt and increase savings, and educate on how and where to save and invest to secure a stronger financial future. 


Clients include those just getting started on their financial journey who don't know where to start or how to reach their destination. As well as those who dug themselves a financial hole and need a plan to climb out. Regardless of where you are on your journey, Barbell Financial is ready to help you take control of your financial future.


Time is the most powerful asset we all have when it comes to building wealth. The most common feedback received from clients is "I wish I started sooner". 


However, it is never too late to change the trajectory of your financial future for yourself and your loved ones. 


So, what are you waiting for? Let Barbell Financial be your dedicated personal finance coach and start flexing your financial muscle today!

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  • Identify financial needs

  • Establish financial goals

  • Create your custom budget

  • Develop monthly savings plan

  • Establish a debt payoff plan

  • Learn how and where to save and invest

  • Create passive income

  • Calculate your net worth

  • Achieve financial freedom

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  • Avoid paying recurring fees to a financial advisor

  • Avoid being sold costly funds or insurance for commissions

  • Gain financial literacy from someone you can trust 

  • Keep more money in your pocket over time

  • Take control of your own financial future

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